Is it just me, or does the title of the latest
"religious" column in our local paper, give
you reason to pause.........
I can remember Dr. Bob McGaughey (retired professor of Journalism)
stressing the importance of the responsibilities of
a member of the press. McGaughey was one of those professors
that made you want to go to class, take something from every
lesson he was willing to give you, and just make
you a better human being. I can only imagine what he would
think about this column.
I'm constantly being told by family and friends that live out of
state, how upsetting it is to have this column in our local paper.
I have a good friend who takes it to work and she says that
people simply don't believe something like this exists in this
day and age. These former residents of Marion look forward
to getting their Crittenden Press and this one columnist manages
to insult their intelligence, question their religious beliefs, and
reflect poorly on a town and community they love. I sometimes
wonder how many people have failed to become a member of a
church or accept the love and instruction of God because of the
hate-spewing ramblings of this columnist.
I don't believe that God sent this ice storm to Marion, Ky. to
WARN us. I saw the presence and love of God in more people
than I could possibly recount in this post. If anything, my God
sent angels to help us survive this freakish natural disaster. But,
that's just me. I saw God in the linemen from North Carolina who
were so intent in restoring power to my 88 year old father-in-law.
I saw God in neighbors and friends who shared water and meals.
I heard God when my sons would call and ask what they could do
to help. I am blessed and I believe Crittenden County is blessed.
I've listed below a few quotes about freedom of the press and free
speech. The first one made me laugh and the others gave me
reason to think. We all have a responsibility to make this world a
better place.
Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one. A. J. Liebling (Newsweek)
There are many other conditions to free speech. I've got a right to say and believe anything I please, but I haven't got a right to press it on anybody else. .... Nobody's got a right to be a nuisance to his neighbors. Author: H.l. Mencken
All of us who professionally use the mass media are the shapers of society. we can vulgarize that society. We can brutalize it. Or we can help lift it onto a higher level.--William Bernbach, of DDB Needham Worldwide, 1989
Put it before them briefly so they will read it, clearly so they will appreciate it, picturesquely so they will remember it and, above all, accurately so they will be guided by its light.--Joseph Pulitzer
Sen. Jason Howell | Legislative Update
2 hours ago
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