Is it just me or is Ms. California the biggest hypocrite yet? She
should fit in great with the Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich,
Ted Haggard, Jerry Falwell model and the rest of the conservatives. Just last week I saw a posting on facebook that disturbed me a little. I like the guy that posted it, but didn't agree with it one iota. Just a few lines down, another statement caught my eye about Miss California "having a jewel in her crown" for speaking her convictions. Like the person that posted that too, but fervently disagreed. And then today............... no surprise.............while Miss California is refusing to take calls from the pageant director, committee, or anyone else affiliated with the Miss California contest; she is out promoting her OWN agenda cloaked under the disguise of her family morals. Give me a break! Has she read any one of the FIVE scriptures that forbid her recent breast augmentation ("ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh" or "know ye that your body is a temple of God")? She accepted a $3,000 spa treatment, $30,000 designer gown, ASKED the committee to pay for her breast job and yet she is out promoting HERSELF under the guise of her MORAL beliefs. Sounds about right for a conservative to me. I could literally give thousands of examples. Instead.....scroll down. Read my blogs on March 3 (Political Serendipity) and March 2nd (Nobody asked me). If you're a conservative, I'm sorry, but this is why liberals get upset with all your posturing. We read columns about virtues and conservatives, all the while they are searching in the streets and on the web for porn, sex, and everything else. I don't try to push my beliefs on anyone, but I get sick to death of hearing and reading from the republicans about theirs! I didn't post this on came to MY blog!
Sen. Jason Howell | Legislative Update
2 hours ago