How many times have you felt like praying for vindication? How many times have
you been hurt or wounded by careless words or deeds? How many times have
you sent a message of true concern and never gotten a reply? How many times
have your words been twisted and been blamed for something that was not your
fault? And the real deal many times did someone hurt your child
with an unconscionable deed?
All of us can relate to these questions. The real test is how you react to these
situations. I can remember two of the most hurtful things that were ever said to
me. It's not what you would think. It was something that I had to pray and pray
to forgive because they were from someone I loved. However, even though I
forgave them, I will never forget it and it still hurts me to think about it. I say
that to say this.......... It is never advantageous to try and get revenge; to
repay a wrong with a wrong. It only heaps more despair and darkness
on your heart.
I remember my grandmother telling me when I was only 10 years old to never
try and get revenge. She said it was God's place to handle the wrongs in our
lives. She said, "The Lord is a Great Collector"..........(long pause) and then
she would always say.... "sometimes he's mighty slow." We would laugh and
let the truth in the statement register with us. I never forgot that. I'm not
saying I had sense enough to always follow it. But the times I did, the person
that had wronged me was taught a lesson far better than any I could have
even dreamed of.
God has a way of handling our mistakes. When we are in our 20's and 30's,
we think everything is black and white and that we know it all. It's only with
a little age and a LOT of lessons that we learn there are areas for improvement.
I like to cross stitch. I can remember someone picking up a stocking I was
cross-stitching and telling me it was a mess and whatever was it going to be?
I turned it right side out and they saw the beautiful image. They were seeing
it from the wrong side. That's what we do with our trials sometimes. Turn
them over and look at the right side-God's side. There's always a lesson and
a design that God is working out for your life. Sometimes we forget to look
at things from HIS point of view.
I was asked one time......don't you think we know this person better and
what they need and want? Well, God answered that for us. I knew the
answer, but sometimes God has to hit someone on the head for them to
learn a lesson. I ended up knowing this person's every care and thought.
I knew at the time what she had told me was bothering her, but others
thought they had all the answers. God ended up handling it all. It not
only was a lesson but the greatest blessing to be a part of.
In Esther, Chapter 8, we read about Esther begging for the King's favor in
over-turning a law against her people. We read that the King was forceful
in saying that NO decree will be changed and none had ever been reversed.
And then................ the former letters were reversed and there was
"light, gladness, and joy."
Sometimes, we have to learn to reverse our former beliefs or thoughts.
We don't become a scholar of his word over night. It takes much study,
prayer, and asking for conviction and leadership in what he wants us
to believe. I would hope that we all decide for ourselves what God is
leading us to believe. Not a Sunday School teacher, or husband, or
minister, or parent can tell us what God wants us to believe. Only
GOD can lead us in that direction and for that I'm thankful.
When I was a child, I attended a service at the Marion Methodist Church
and the pastor's message contained the scripture from Psalms 30:5.
"Tears may linger at nightfall, but JOY cometh in the morning." I claimed
those words and found them to always be the truth. God always brings
us through trials.
I think Corinthians 13 is one of the most recognizable passages, but I
wonder how often we dwell on the words. All the gifts in the world and
work we perform is worthless without love and charity. To really read
what God expects of us is daunting. You can sing all the songs and
praises, teach all the Sunday School classes, preach all the sermons,
direct and lead the children, feed the poor, and yet......without love
and charity, it is nothing - worthless.
Perhaps we should start with common courtesies.
I wronged you... I'm sorry.
I received your kind words.......thank you.
"He laid down His life for us. We should also lay down our lives for
our brothers."
1 John 3:16
And, I think that means ALL our brothers......
God Bless and keep encouraging me about my sweet Harley.
And.... Look at the right side...... God's side.
Sen. Jason Howell | Legislative Update
2 hours ago
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