Propaganda......ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to
further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause also a public
action having such an effect (Merriam-Webster Dictionary )
Who are we as a country if we simply follow along and believe some
of the propaganda allowed to be printed in our newspapers? As a
parent, grandparent, teacher, friend of a soldier, we should be
interested in the TRUTH. God gave us a brain and the ability to
comprehend the truth and yet we sit idly by allowing others to
promote their selfish agenda that is filled with lies and misrepresentations.
Are you aware that it is a matter of public record the consulting fees
paid to our former presidents and their families. The Bush family
has literally "earned" millions and millions from the Saudi's while
preaching that we should fight the "terrorists." George W Bush
received financial help from Bin Laden YEARS before he was elected
It's always interesting (and sad) to me to read a "religious" column
about patriotism and the evil democrats when the facts are so clearly
opposite of what she proclaims.
Investigate and study. The future of our country depends upon it.
We have wasted the last decade believing lies and being brought
to our knees financially. This Memorial Day there will be
thousands of families without their loved ones who sacrificed
their lives for an unjust war.
Check out a few of these links:
(From The New York Times)
The New York Times reports: “The episode has been retold so many times in the last three and a half years that it has become the stuff of political legend: in the frenzied days after Sept. 11, 2001, when some flights were still grounded, dozens of well-connected Saudis, including relatives of Osama bin Laden, managed to leave the United States on specially chartered flights. Now, newly released government records show previously undisclosed flights from Las Vegas and elsewhere and point to a more active role by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in aiding some of the Saudis in their departure. The F.B.I. gave personal airport escorts to two prominent Saudi families who fled the United States, and several other Saudis were allowed to leave the country without first being interviewed, the documents show. ... The material sheds new light on the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks, and it provides details about the F.B.I.'s interaction with at least 160 Saudis who were living in or visiting the United States and were allowed to leave the country. Some of the departing Saudis were related to Osama bin Laden. … The Sept. 11 commission examined the Saudi flights in its final report last year, and it found that no Saudis had been allowed to leave before national airspace was reopened on Sept. 13, 2001”H327 Intelligence Whispers reports: “Financial ties between Al Qaeda, Saudi Arabia, and American banks do not end with the Texas payments. A former chief of Mossad confided that Israeli intelligence was well aware that Al Qaeda funded its activities through the top six U.S. banks; including Nation's Bank … The copies were provided by Israeli military intelligence. The source of the funds was Saudi. Furthermore, a U.S. intelligence source recently confided that Florida Governor Jeb Bush was heavily involved in the spiriting of members of the Saudi Royal family out of Florida on a U.S. government plane after the attacks of September 11, 2001. A third check provided by Israeli military intelligence is drawn on the Saudi American Bank, which has an office just across the street from the Saudi Embassy in Washington, DC in the Watergate complex. The former head of Saudi intelligence, Prince Turki bin Faisal, who acted as the Saudi government’s main interlocutor with Osama bin Laden, is due to take up the post as Saudi ambassador to the United States.”H328 It is disparaging to see the actions taken by the Bush family after 9/11 bounced and twisted around by Washington bureaucrats whose present salaries are paid for by US taxpayers. Plain and simple, Ambassador Prince Bandar and prior President George Bush Sr arranged to have members of the bin Laden and Saud families sequestered in certain areas of the US by flying them around within the US when all other flights were grounded. No one was allowed to interrogate them. After the US airspace was reopened they were secretly allowed to fly out of the US. The Saud family is the prime patron of the Bush family and has the ability to demand such preferential treatment. With bagman Bandar’s corrupt Washington reward scheme, it is assumed those Washington bureaucrats who questionably assisted the Saud and bin Laden family members will be rewarded with Saud family lobbyist consulting fees after their government service retirement. We cannot believe Washington will accept Prince Turki as ambassador when his complicity in overt criminal acts against US citizens is so apparent. We can see how citizens of the US should be finally given the information about the “Great Satan” members lurking in Washington. It is a travesty the US establishment media will not divulge the acts of these people to US citizens.
Former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld has always answered his detractors by claiming that history will one day judge him kindly. But as he waits for that day, a new group of critics—his administration peers—are suddenly speaking out for the first time. What they’re saying? It isn’t pretty!!!! (Rumsfeld) (slideshow of classified documents/Rumsfeld) (Citigroup/laundering)
(Guess who leased the building that went down first on 9/11?
What records were being stored there)
(also - google the Saudi government's consulting fees to the Bush family and the
connection and just how far it goes back) here's a little taste of what you will find......
On September 27 the Wall Street Journal reported that the bin Laden family had invested at least $2 million in a fund operated by The Carlyle Group. An unidentified "foreign financier" told the Journal that the total investment was likely to be much larger. The Carlyle Group is a merchant bank specializing in buyouts of aerospace and defense companies. (A merchant bank is a bank that deals mostly in long term corporate loans and underwriting, often with an emphasis on international finance.) The Carlyle Group has high-level connections to the Republican party: George Bush Sr. is a paid spokesman, former Secretary of State (and head of Bush campaign post-election operations) James Baker is senior counselor, and former Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci is the group's chairman. According to the Journal, all three have traveled to Saudi Arabia in recent years to meet with the bin Laden family.
The corporate name of the bin Laden family business is transliterated from the Arabic as Binladin. The Saudi Binladin group is a $5 billion business, built by family patriarch Mohammed largely from Saudi government construction contracts. The military barracks at Dharan, Saudi Arabia, were rebuilt by the Binladin Group after the 1996 truck bombing. The family has officially disavowed Osama, who worked briefly in the family business, and is believed to have inherited at least $50 million.
Although not stated explicitly in the Journal report, it is implied that the Carlyle Group was among the banks whose records were subpoenaed as a part of the investigation of the September 11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York. Through a spokesperson, former president Bush said that he recalled only one meeting with the bin Laden family, which took place in 1998. She admitted that there were at least two meetings after being confronted with a thank-you note from a meeting in 2000. Mr. Carlucci is the former chairman of Nortel Networks, which has conducted joint telecommunications ventures with Binladin Group. Mr. Baker reportedly met with the bin Laden family in 1998 and 1999. Caspar Weinberger, Secretary of Defense during the Reagan administration, and now chairman of Forbes, Inc., met with the bin Laden family twice in recent years, according to the Journal.
President George W. Bush has been linked indirectly to the bin Laden family, as well. During the time that W. was a pilot in the Texas Air National Guard, his friend and fellow guardsman, James W. Bath, was the business representative in Texas for Salem bin Laden, Osama's older brother. Bath continued to act in that capacity until 1988, when Salem died in a plane crash. The Houston Gulf Airport, in League City, TX, was among the properties Mr. bin Laden invested in on Mr. Bath's recommendation. Hopes that the airfield would find increased use over time, handling overflow from Houston airport, never materialized. The estate has been trying to sell the property since Mr. bin Laden's death. Mr. Bath reportedly received a 5% commission as his fee in transactions in which he represented Mr. bin Laden. Bath also invested $50,000 in two funds controlled by George W. Bush during this time, but maintains that the dealings were unrelated.
In 1984, however, George W. Bush's oil exploration company, Bush Exploration (previously Arbusto Energy) was suffering financially as sources of investment disappeared in the face of uncertainty regarding oil prices. After one attempted bailout by an oil company called Spectrum 7 faltered, Harken Energy bought Spectrum 7 for $2 million. George W. Bush received stock worth approximately $500,000 and a consulting fee of $120,000. Harken Energy was run by Alan Quasha, a New York lawyer who was also a Republican Party fundraiser. Sheikh Abdullah Bahksh of Saudi Arabia, a 16% shareholder in Harken Energy at the time, was represented by a Palestinian-born Chicago investor named Talat Othman, who served with George W. Bush on the board of Harken Energy. Othman made at least three separate visits to the White House to discuss Middle East affairs with then President George Bush. At about the same time, and just prior to the Gulf War, Harken Energy, with no previous international or offshore drilling experience, was awarded a 35-year petroleum exploration contract with the emirate of Bahrain.
The REAL enemy and evil are the ones spouting patriotism and
promoting propaganda. America needs to WAKE UP.
Sen. Jason Howell | Legislative Update
14 hours ago
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