There has to be some advantage to this getting older, don't you think?
I have noticed that it's much easier to stand up for what you believe
in. If someone doesn't like it, they weren't your friend anyway.
That's not to say that you have to agree or approve. Just that you
respect the rights of others to believe as they see fit.
It never bothers me to see someone post something about a
different political ideology than what I subscribe to or a different
religious belief. However, why should I have to believe as you do
in order for you to approve? Seems kind of simple minded logic to
me. If I hadn't taken the time to study others beliefs or arguments,
I wouldn't have had the ability to develop my own. Part of what is
wrong with the world is the need of some groups to impart their
beliefs on others or ELSE. Seems that is the reason for the majority
of wars that are started.
I find it disconcerting that people take offense by some of the
postings of friends of mine on facebook. My brother is a staunch
republican, but it sure doesn't affect our love for one another. We
kid and even argue about it sometimes, but we also respect the
rights of the other to believe what they choose. I'm sure he sees
my friends and I having a laugh or two about Rush or Palin on
facebook, but he never says anything.
I've always been pretty headstrong when it comes to defending
on the side of basic human rights. I especially liked the daily
devotion sent out by The Upper Room last week about the
struggles of a pastor who stood up for blacks during the 60's.
He was persecuted, ridiculed, and ostracized. But, his daughter
(the author of the devotional) had fond memories of the
principles he instilled in her during a time of "standing up."
Stand up...... you'll be glad you did.
Sen. Jason Howell | Legislative Update
14 hours ago
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